Your application will be processed through a lottery fairly and transparently using an independent, third-party vendor. Since Unity Classical uses an independent company to manage its lottery and waitlist, the school staff cannot manipulate or adjust the lottery outcome. They must work within the requirements of the system. By using a third-party vendor, you can be assured your scholar’s application is processed fairly.
For all enrollment-related questions, please email:
UCCS prioritizes all North Carolina residents.
To apply for enrollment, the parent or legal guardian must complete the preliminary application form within the lottery system.
Once a student is notified of acceptance, parents or guardians must complete all application forms and submit them online. We must receive confirmation and completed documents in order to enroll your student(s). If we do not receive the forms by the deadline, we will be forced to return the student application to the waitlist and give the placement to the next student on the waiting list.
No, however you must complete the intent to return form. All siblings (new to UCCS) must be added into the lottery; however, you will also add them at the bottom of the form. There will be a sibling button to click when adding them to the lottery.
Sibling preference is only available for returning students. All siblings (new to UCCS) must be added into the lottery; however, you will also add them at the bottom of the intent to return form.
UCCS, follows the state mandate for early entry into Kindergarten. If your student will turn five in September your child can not be entered into the lottery. However, if after the lottery takes place and there are seats available in Kindergarten then a parent may inquire about early entry. Early entry is not guaranteed. It requires testing by a professionally licensed psychologist at the expense of the parent. In addition, the child must score within the 98% of the norms, the child must be interviewed by the school administration for Kindergarten readiness, and then the headmaster of UCCS will determine if entry into the UCCS Kindergarten program is right for that student.
Unity Classical does not have a school cafeteria. At UCCS, students pack their lunch and eat lunch in their classroom. Students are given 30 minutes for lunch. If families are interested, we do have a hot lunch program delivered daily that can be purchased for our scholars. If students forget their lunch, we do have emergency lunches we can provide your students.
Effective for the 2023-2024 school year, Unity Classical will no longer accept deliveries for students from Door Dash, Uber Eats, Grub Hub or any other food delivery service. If your child forgets their lunch, you can bring a packed or bought lunch to the school office for your child to retrieve.